
According to the order of the Minister of Culture A/478 of 2023, one of the major tasks of planning multifaceted events in the context of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the modern museum in Mongolia is the academic conference on the topic “Mongolian Museum 100 Years” organized today (20.05.2024)

The academic conference was organized by the Ministry of Culture, Chinggis Khaan National Museum, and the Institute of Culture and Art Studies, 30 presentations discussed the 100 years of the Mongolian Museum in two parts: “History-Study of the Mongolian Museum” and “Museum Collection-Current Level”.

Director of Chinggis Khaan National Museum, Academician S. Chuluun gave the main speech on the topic "Mongolian Museum in 100 Years - Heritage, Culture and Enlightenment". In his speech, he said that the Mongolian Museum has preserved the historical memory of Mongolia during many complex social and economic times, such as the Mongolian revolution, repression, the Great Patriotic War and Battles of Khalkhin Gol, the great construction and changes during the socialist era.Mongolians had been preserved their intellectual memory and heritage through museums, and the Mongolian museum has been fulfilling the role of enlightening the people. “The biggest progress in the history of the Mongolian museum is that Mongolian government made a historic decision on the initiative of the President of Mongolia, and the Chinggis Khaan National Museum was able to become a standard museum not only in the region, but internationally.”

“100 Years of Mongolian Museum” academic conference, with more than 120 participants of the capital, provincial and local museums, openly discussed issues such as ppreservation and protection of the museum, restore improvement of rock inscriptions as physical exhibits, increase the museum collection, and determined solutions for the 100-year history of the Mongolian Museum. The participants agreed that the 100-year history of the Museum of Mongolia is 100 years of Mongolian memory, mindset, and cultural heritage.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a museum was first established belonging to the Institute of Scripture and Writing, which was a scientific center. The researchers who worked at the Institute organized the first museum in Mongolia during 1921-1923 by providing the necessary preparatory work for the establishment of a museum, and on March 23, 1924, by including the museum in the targeted program of the Institute of Scripture and Writing.

In such manner, the modern museum was established in Mongolia, and the main feature of the original history, which preserves and protects the historical and cultural heritage, has been made known to the citizens and the public.